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The Missing Competency Leaders Must Have for the Future

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Gitte Madelaire to provide another commentary in a series.

The Gitte Madelaire Commentaries

Welcome to the first article in the series “Be the Leader You Aspire to Be” here on The Price of Business Show, where I will focus on the trends which lie ahead of us, which consequences they have and how they affect business leadership. The articles are based on my book Energetic Leadership, which talks about 9 trends leaders must navigate to cater for the employees increasing demand for more spiritual leadership and sustainable business models aligned with their life purposes. These articles are about business leadership in the new era. I hope you will find inspiration for your own leadership and the leader you aspire to be.

Business leadership is facing a lot of challenges in leading organizations and businesses today as we are at a phase in evolution where we must navigate through times of permacrisis – endless crises.

So how do business leadership and people in general, who are interested in their own development, shape up for the occasion to be better fit for the future.

The first and most important competency is to be curious. Like a child is. To be and walk freely in the world. To have the courage to explore and try to understand what is going on. What is it I see, hear, feel and believe in. How do I take it all in and how do I bring forward my courage to act on what I experience. It is called Authentic Curiosity. That we are curious because we are free. So, it is a sense of curiosity that comes from deep within not from a rational thinking mind only.

A leadership team, who wants to succeed, needs to be infused with much more authentic curiosity to take advantage of foresight. Sabrina Sullivan, Futuring Strategist and Foresight Fellow at Ford Motor Company and Founder of by+by foresight, puts it this way in her case in my book Energetic Leadership:

“Foresightful Leadership demands the integration of positive vision and purposeful action characterized by several key attributes as:

  • Challenging the status quo as a helpful provocateur while honoring valuable lessons from the past.
  • Welcoming diverse perspectives to fuel necessary change.
  • Acknowledge the discomfort that often precedes transformation.
  • Acting as a visionary – crafting and communicating a future that inspires positive action and exemplifying innovative leadership.”

Therefore, foresight is increasingly recognized as a crucial competency for effective leadership. I even think strategic foresight will become a skill in the future.

Foresight is an important competency in strategic planning and problem-solving. To have success, leaders are responsible for creating psychological safety that secure a climate where it is safe to present themselves authentically and without fear.

Future trends are a way of presenting foresight. The trends are made up of megatrends, those that affects us all and trends affecting smaller groups.

The 9 trends leaders must be able to navigate are crucial as the demand from employees will only increase. Now people are the disruptors. To master these trends leaders must show a sense for the future fueled with authentic curiosity.

The 9 future trends are:

From industrial to planetary

An industrial era is replaced by a more human and holistic era.

From more to better

More did not make us happy and healthy now we want better – lives, consumption, work.

From conformist to rebel

People do not just obey any longer but wants to take charge of their own lives.

From retirement to breaks

People want to work and design their own lives and want the systems to follow too.

From closed hierarchy to open communi-teams

Organizations must change as people demands change.

From dominance to dualism

People crave a better understanding of who they are and how they function.

From one to three bottom lines (ESG)

Business is not just about profit but also about people and planet.

From external to internal sustainability (first)

We are realizing that people must thrive to save the planet and its business.

From automatic to AI-magical

Technology is a great helper, now we also know how to create magic by adding a humane touch.


The 9 trends are picked as they affect how business will have to transform in the coming years if they want to stay attractive to employees and customers.

Foresight and trends are great tools for opening a dialogue in a leadership team, is my own experience, and they help people to show up differently – and that creates engagement.


I wish you all the best in letting curiosity lead you and your leadership to magical moments.


Gitte Madelaire is an intuitive and visionary pioneer in leadership development. People, customers, business development, and futurism have always interested and motivated her. With a background in corporate business at companies such as Fona/HMW, Codan Insurance, Volvo Trucks and Ensure, she now inspires to new leadership through her book,” Energetic Leadership”, keynotes, facilitation and mentoring for leaders in her company Bronte ApS. Gitte holds a BSc in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA semester from the University of Victoria. She also has traditional leadership courses and certifications in intuitive and feminine future leadership, inner sustainability, and energy-based leadership. Gitte has lived in London, Sydney, and Kuala Lumpur and currently resides in Denmark.

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