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What Values Are a Healthy Economy and Society Built On?

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Gitte Madelaire to provide another commentary in a series.

The Gitte Madelaire Commentaries

Welcome to the nineth article in the series “Be the Leader You Aspire to Be” here on The Price of Business Show, where I will focus on the trends which lie ahead of us and how they will affect humans and businesses. The articles are based on my book Energetic Leadership, which talks about 9 trends leaders must navigate to cater for employees increasing demand for more spiritual leadership and sustainable business models aligned with their life purposes. These articles are about business leadership in the new era. I hope you will find inspiration for your own leadership and the leader you aspire to be.

The first article outlined 9 trends for business leadership and focused on authentic curiosity as a key competency for leaders to master. The second and third articles explained the concept of energy frequencies as the source of our true potential, followed by the alignment of the company purpose with the life purposes of employees and customers. The fourth covered the 6-5 different generations currently working, the fifth focused on self-care and the ability to be present and the sixth about uncertainty and how to navigate in it. The seventh talked about the importance of intuition in decision-making and the eighth article was about what economy is.

In the nineth article I will continue the talk about what values a healthy economy and society are built on as it relates very much to the Series Be the Leader You Aspire to Be.

I am born and raised in Denmark – a tiny country in Europa but also a great country when it comes to values. And yes, I am biased but also trying to be objective.

Our prime minister Mette Frederiksen outlined Denmark’s values in her speech the first of January for the New Year 2025 and they are: Trust – we trust each other. Compulsory communities – we have a long tradition for that. Cooperation – we are good at working together with low hierarchy. Humor – it is dry and understated. Power of Action – we act. Welfare society – we have a strong welfare society. Denmark’s values are not new they have been like that for decades. But in times of uncertainty, it is good to be reminded as a country and as an individual of what they are. It is the first time in my adult life I have heard them mentioned like this. Usually, the speech has had a bigger focus on what needed to be done but this time it was a reminder of who we are.

And it is the same thing for you as a person – who are you? what are your values? what makes you healthy physically, mentally and spiritually?

We all need from time to time to step back and remind us of what values you, the corporation, or the society are made of? And reflect on whether you have drifted away from the values or forgotten what they were.

Our societies and economies are built on values that create a culture. They can be healthy or unhealthy. We can use our energetic leadership with a degenerative effect (unhealthy) or regenerative effect (healthy).

And right now, it seems like we are using our energetic leadership in a degenerative way, where we are creating imbalances in nature, among people and societies and ultimately with ourselves. We need to get back on track.

Is an economy (society) able to expand and expand all the time? I do not think so. It is like the law of nature. It is a constant balance between expansions and contractions. Like our breathing. Or when you do the exercise where you shoot and sway your back like a cat. Or the seasons in nature. New leaf’s coming, shining in the sun, falling off the trees and to seed new trees.

We need the contractions as much as we need the expansions. But it seems like we have built modern societies, economies and cultures primarily on expansions. And we are all suffering from that. The positive thing about the suffering is that it is starting to create change. Nature is changing and talking to us loudly. People are changing and trying to talk to their leaders. Leaders are changing too as the permacrisis unfold and will hopefully engage in many great conversations within their own corporations and societies but also across borders.

I hope you got some insight on how important our values are for us all. I Wish You a Peaceful and Happy New Year of 2025.



Gitte Madelaire is an intuitive and visionary pioneer in leadership development. People, customers, business development, and futurism have always interested and motivated her. With a background in corporate business at companies such as Fona/HMW, Codan Insurance, Volvo Trucks and Ensure, she now inspires to new leadership through her book,” Energetic Leadership”, keynotes, facilitation and mentoring for leaders in her company Bronte ApS. Gitte holds a BSc in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA semester from the University of Victoria. She also has traditional leadership courses and certifications in intuitive and feminine future leadership, inner sustainability, and energy-based leadership. Gitte has lived in London, Sydney, and Kuala Lumpur and currently resides in Denmark.

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