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How To Benefit Successfully From Business Uncertainty

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Gitte Madelaire to provide another commentary in a series.

The Gitte Madelaire Commentaries

Uncertainty is the new normal, not just because Trump won the US Election but because we have entered a new phase in evolution which started years ago and is now taking off.

Welcome to the sixth article in the series “Be the Leader You Aspire to Be” here on The Price of Business Show, where I will focus on the trends which lie ahead of us and how they will affect humans and businesses. The articles are based on my book Energetic Leadership, which talks about 9 trends leaders must navigate to cater for employees increasing demand for more spiritual leadership and sustainable business models aligned with their life purposes. These articles are about business leadership in the new era. I hope you will find inspiration for your own leadership and the leader you aspire to be.

The first article outlined 9 trends for business leadership and focused on authentic curiosity as a key competency for leaders to master. The second and third articles explained the concept of energy frequencies as the source of our true potential, followed by the alignment of the company purpose with the life purposes of employees and customers. The fourth covered the 6-5 different generations currently working and the fifth focused on self-care and the ability to be present.

In the sixth article we will look at uncertainty as a driver and a way to leverage growth, progress, and thriving people while at the same time leading and developing companies.

Where does the uncertainty come from? It comes from all the wicked problem that we as humans have created like a suffering climate, people who are sick from stress and businesses and political structures that are eating each other for breakfast driven by greed for growth fueled by an exponential technological development.  These complexed problems or permacrisis are telling us that we are looking into a long period of great difficulty, confusion, or suffering that seems to have no end. But and there is a big but, there is always hope and linked to the hope is a huge, unlocked potential within humans, businesses and societies. Albert Einstein called it our gift.

So how do we steer the boat in those rough waters ahead. The first thing is to view the human body and an organization/business as a battery. A battery that runs on energy frequencies (hertz) and is charged through love, compassion, and forgiveness. But also, a battery that runs flat very fast when it is faced with constant fear or placed in fearful surroundings for long.

The first thing is to get rid of our fear. The way of doing that is to have the courage to surrender to the unknown, which means understanding that we cannot and shall not control everything and that we cannot work out or calculate everything that will happen in the future. Not being in total control is very provoking for the old human and society but it is the new modern way of being in life. We must learn – or you could say relearn to be the intuitive people we once were. We have forgotten this very important competency – our gift. We must learn to combine our rational minds, organizations and structures with our intuitive and innovative hearts and souls. When we get rid of our irrational fear, we become calm and conscious, and we need all the calmness and consciousness we can master to steer the rough sea.

The second thing is that we must accept that something must die for the new to grow. We have all experienced changes but this time more than ever we cannot cling on to old habits, consumption, ways of living, places to live, and how we lead and operate businesses. We must shed our old selves like the trees do with the leaves and dare to lean into trust, love and compassion as drivers to shift from being degenerative to being regenerative.

The third thing we must accept is that one size fits all is dead. We are 8 billion+ souls meaning there are 8 billion life purposes and nervous systems that can recharge the battery of the humankind.

The challenge is now how do we create companies, structures and societies fitted for modern people. This transition demands lots of respectful dialogues and a will in the free democratic world to find a way of creating a healthy form of capitalism.

I hope you got some insight that will help you steer your multidimensional self in uncertain times.


Gitte Madelaire is an intuitive and visionary pioneer in leadership development. People, customers, business development, and futurism have always interested and motivated her. With a background in corporate business at companies such as Fona/HMW, Codan Insurance, Volvo Trucks and Ensure, she now inspires to new leadership through her book,” Energetic Leadership”, keynotes, facilitation and mentoring for leaders in her company Bronte ApS. Gitte holds a BSc in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA semester from the University of Victoria. She also has traditional leadership courses and certifications in intuitive and feminine future leadership, inner sustainability, and energy-based leadership. Gitte has lived in London, Sydney, and Kuala Lumpur and currently resides in Denmark.

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