This winter, the northern US States can expect to see temperatures well below normal. This is due to a pattern known as La Nina. This pattern is associated with episodic cooling of ocean waters in the tropical Pacific. The winter will be colder and wetter than average for parts of the northern Rockies and the Pacific Northwest, and it will also affect the Ohio Valley and western Alaska.
One state that can expect a harsh winter is Georgia, which is often thought of as a state that is out of the winter pain zone. However, freezing rain is common and tornadoes can wreak havoc on the city of Atlanta. The state is also notorious for under-preparing for winter weather.
This winter will be colder than usual in 12 US States. The colder temperatures will result in increased energy use, which will add to the rising costs of energy. From Oregon to Michigan, the colder winter will make energy bills seem a little higher. Some cities, such as Portland and Minneapolis, may even see temperatures significantly below normal.
According to the Farmers’ Almanac, winter in the US will be divided into two different areas: the East and the West. While the Eastern half of the country is likely to experience a mild winter, the southern half of the country will be hit with snow and below-average temperatures. The forecast also predicts below-average precipitation in the Southeast and Appalachian regions.