This article is meant to be suggestive only and is an attempt to share my experience, strength, and hope which is my truth and I believe to have benefits for all people regardless of one’s age, sex, race, or religious following.
“First things first”
Now, mostly for the younger generations, I want to make you a promise: “If you will write down on a piece of paper what your most important goals are that you earnestly desire to accomplish in your lifetime and pray for those goals aloud three times a day: Once in the morning, once at noon, and once at night before going to sleep, you will receive the inspiration of the precise method by which you are to attain those goals.
Something I caught in a 12-step meeting some time ago: “desires ought to be such that one’s desires are for the highest good of all human persons; That comment seemed logical and sensible enough so I incorporate this wisdom into my spirituality and so encourage those I mentor to do the same. To follow is a short but powerful prayer that I encourage people to pray: “My Creator, if it be your will and for the highest good of all human persons, let this undertaking that I am engaged in today meet with success”. Amen
“One day at a time”: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, all we have is today”! And the only time we truly have is this precious present moment; The full of the day is promised to no one.
There is an ancient Chinese proverb which states: “A journey of 1000 miles still requires the first step to be taken” and so I suggest to you the attainment of any goal begins with the first thing on the To Do List to be done. If nothing gets done, nothing gets done!
Accomplishing goals “One day at a time” hearkens all the way back to the time of creation as recorded in the biblical book of Genesis: All creation was created by the Creator one day at a time. Indeed, a valuable lesson for us mortals to follow. Humanity’s dear Savior himself taught the great value of living one day at a time as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount: “Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil” (Mt. 6:34).
“This too shall pass”:
There is one thing very personal I know about everyone who will read this article: Everyone who reads this article has a cross to bear and like a bolt of lightning crosses appear in our lives in the form of sickness, injustice, and death among other undesirable circumstances.
Who has not tasted or will not taste the bitterness of some form of human sorrow? But the good news is that our sorrows are passing. Whatever your cross may be, “This too shall pass”.
Something I share in my spiritual guide to true joy and happiness entitled “Thy Will Be Done” is Jesus Christ pulls no punches: He promises we will have sorrow in this life but He transforms this promise by promising our sorrows will turn to joy: “ Amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn, while the world rejoices; you will grieve, but your grief will become joy”(John 16:20).
Let go Let God
This concept does not take away a human’s freewill as some have incorrectly suggested, it demonstrates and utilizes it because when we let the unlimited power of God give direction to our thoughts, words, and ways, far greater do our lives turn out to be than when we rely on our own limited abilities regardless of how great for some they may be.
The truth is we live in a God-directed world. And to live in a God directed world in a limited self-directed way often leads to confusion and disappointment.
A very short but powerful prayer that can be a possible useful tool in abandoning oneself to God’s will and to be directed by God’s wisdom is this: “My Creator, I offer myself entirely to you without any reservations or conditions and commit myself entirely to your will for me. Amen”.
Please, with cherries and sugar on top, do share this article with anyone and everyone you think could benefit from it. To find out if my book meets with your reading interests and what people around the USA are saying about it, please visit my website: www.thywillbedonebyjameskuczykowski.com
God bless, best wishes, and good luck to all of you!
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