Proclaiming the love of God for the unlovable, the unloved, and the, Good Enough Parent (, Gospel App, Engage small group resources, and Take Heart YZ discipleship materials for young adults ( Our passion at Gospel App Ministries is to help Christians thrive by developing tools and resources that help all of us better apply the Gospel to the real lives of real people in the real world.
Dr. Senyard and the team at Gospel App Ministries have created a number of dynamic and helpful tools and resources to help professionals help their clients flourish. These tools include The Forgiving Path (Website-
Facebook: gospelappministries
Linked In: Dr. Bill Senyard
Twitter / X: thekissesofgod
Instagram: gospelapp
YouTube: drbillsenyard

Dr. Bill Senyard is represented by the Price of Business Speakers’ Bureau. Contact Dr. Bill Senyard about the availability as a guest for media interviews and speaking engagements by emailing